Culturally Inclusive Aged Care Practice Guides
Practice Guides set out key considerations, actions and resources that can support aged care providers to deliver inclusive services to people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. While the Inclusive Service Standards provide a framework for aged care providers to embed a systemic and holistic approach so that their services are welcoming, safe and accessible for everyone, the Practice Guides are intended to be used by managers and staff and inform direct service provision. It is vital that aged care services take into account and address cultural and linguistic need of individual consumers.
- Accessing Interpreter Services
- Communication
- Pronouncing Names Correctly
- Data and Demographics
- Food and Nutrition
- Leisure and Lifestyle
- Living Environment
- Risk Management
- Spiritual Support
- Working with Bilingual Staff
- Developing a policy for use of interpreter services
- Culture Specific Information
- Digital Inclusion
- Culturally Inclusive Feedback
- Effective Co Design with Consumers from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds
- Ten Steps to Developing a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Plan in Aged Care
- Culturally Appropriate Dementia Care
- End-of-Life Care
- Accessing Diverse Media
- Using Culturally Inclusive Language
- CALD Specialisation Verification
- Empowering and Supporting a Culturally Diverse Workforce
- Culturally Appropriate Mental Health Support
- Culturally Appropriate Treatment and Management of Incontinence