Cultural Diversity in Ageing Webinar Series 2024-25
The online Cultural Diversity in Ageing Webinar Series 2024-25 aims to engage staff working within the aged care sector in Australia with skills and knowledge to work effectively with culturally and linguistically diverse seniors, their families, carers, and advocates. It involves a range of topics relevant to culturally inclusive practice and care, and is designed in response to topics requested from staff working in the aged care sector in Australia.
On this page, you can read about and register for webinars of the Cultural Diversity in Ageing Webinar Series 2024-25.
You can also visit the Cultural Diversity in Ageing Interactive Webinar Series 2023-24, 2022-23 Diversity Webinar Series (Jul 2022 - Jun 2023) and 2022 Diversity Webinar Series (January to June 2022) pages for recordings and slides from past presentations.
All webinars can be counted as time spent relating to Continuing Professional Development for nurses to meet the CPD registration standard.
If you would like to register for more than one webinar in an easier format visit: Eventbrite Collection
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The Centre's Resources to Support Aged Care Organisations
Date: Wednesday 31st July 2024 Time: 12pm to 12.30pm (Melbourne time) Where: Online Cost: Free Intended Audience: All staff working in aged care Outline of the Webinar: The Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing will present its key resources and activities to support aged care organisations including the training it delivers to aged care organisations in regional Victoria. You will hear how you can utilise The Centre's resources to support culturally inclusive services delivery.
This webinar has concluded. You can download the webinar's PPT presentation here
Nikolaus RittinghausenManager, The Centre for Cultural Diversity in AgeingNikolaus Rittinghausen is the Manager, The Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing. He has significant experience in project management, multicultural affairs, aged care, policy advocacy, social cohesion and community engagement. He represents the Partners in Culturally Appropriate Care Alliance at the Department of Health and Aged Care’s Diversity Consultative Committee.
Biljana GrbevskaProject Administration Officer, Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing
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Culturally Appropriate Responses to Elder Abuse
Date: Tuesday 27 August 2024 Time: 2pm to 3pm (Melbourne time) Where: Online Cost: Free Intended Audience: All staff working in aged care Outline of the Webinar: This webinar will explore the prevalence of elder abuse amongst culturally and linguistically diverse communities and culturally appropriate responses. It will outline and highlight the Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria's Elder Abuse Bicultural Community Educator Training Program. The program is delivered in collaboration with Senior Rights Victoria and works with culturally and linguistically diverse seniors, support services, and community organisations to raise awareness of and prevent elder abuse. The program also equips seniors to seek help. You will learn about unique responses to elder abuse amongst culturally and linguistically diverse communities and how you and your organisation can become more culturally sensitive when responding to elder abuse.
This webinar has concluded. You can download the webinar's PPT presentation here
Hayat DoughanAgeing Well Lead, Ethnic Communities' Council of VictoriaHayat Doughan has extensive experience in case management, having worked in settlement services, generalist casework, and family violence prevention. She has also led community inclusion and cultural awareness projects. In her previous role at the Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria (ECCV), Hayat was the project coordinator for "Recognising and Respecting Carers from CALD Backgrounds." Currently, she leads the Seniors Capacity Building and Elder Abuse Prevention projects, focusing on raising awareness among older people about ageing well, safety, and respect.
Gary FergusonEducation Co-ordinator, Seniors Rights Victoria
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Understanding How to Become a Specialist CALD ProviderDate: Monday 30 September 2024 Time: 2pm to 3pm (Melbourne time) Where: Online Cost: Free Intended Audience: All staff working in aged care Outline of the Webinar: This webinar will provide an overview of how to become a CALD specialist provider under the national Specialisation Verification Framework. The webinar will be presented in partnership with the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care who will outline the relevant steps to apply for Specialisation Verification. This webinar will provide you with the opportunity to ask questions to the Department. Furthermore, The Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing will share its Practice Guide on “Specialisation Verification – People from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds”.
This webinar has concluded.
You can download the webinar's PPT presentation here |
Susan KeanDirector, Aged Care Diversity and Inclusion Section, Australian Government Department of Health and Aged CareSusan is the Acting Director of the Aged Care Diversity and Inclusion Section in the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care. She has worked across the Department for over 20 years in various roles across residential and home aged care policy, compliance and program management, health workforce, and in the International Strategies Branch on various trade agreements and briefings for Australian delegations attending World Health Organisation (WHO) and Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) meetings. Prior to working in the Department, she worked for ACT Health as a GP Liaison Officer and as the Project and Finance Officer in Women and Children's Health at Canberra Hospital. Her current role fulfils her passion to ensure people from diverse backgrounds with varied life experiences can access the person-centred care they need as they age. |
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Delivering Culturally Inclusive Home Care
Time: 2pm to 3pm (Melbourne time) Where: Online Cost: Free Intended Audience: All staff working in aged care Outline of the Webinar: Community service providers, Multilink and Umbrella, will share insights, tips, and best practice on how to deliver culturally inclusive home care to seniors from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. The presentations will also discuss capability building of staff to support the delivery of culturally inclusive home care.
This webinar has concluded. You can download the webinar's PPT presentation here
Ana SasAged Care Services Manager, Multilink Community Services
Henrietta PodgorskaChief Executive Officer, Umbrella Multicultural Community Care
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Addressing Racism and Discrimination Experienced by the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Workforce
Time: 2pm to 3pm (Melbourne time) Where: Online Cost: Free Intended Audience: All staff working in aged care Outline of the Webinar: The Australian Workforce Census from 2020 stated that there is a significant proportion of people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds working in aged care. The webinar outlines current research on racism experienced by aged care staff from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Bianca Brijnath, Professor of Health Communication in Society at La Trobe University, will outline suggested responses and actions to address racism in the aged care workforce at an organisational level. Gail Jugow from the Multicultural Communities Council of Illawarra will present on survey findings on racism and discrimination in the aged care sector in Australia and recommendations and resources developed in response to the national survey.
This webinar has concluded. You can download the webinar's PPT presentation here
Prof Bianca BrijnathProfessor of Health Communication in Society at La Trobe University
Gail JugowEducation and Training Coordinator, Multicultural Communities Council of Illawarra (MCCI)
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Good Practice, Assertive Outreach and Navigation to Support Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Seniors Falling through the Gaps
Time: 2pm to 3pm (Melbourne time) Where: Online Cost: Free Intended Audience: All staff working in aged care Outline of the Webinar: This webinar will showcase good practice models of assertive outreach and navigation support for culturally and linguistically diverse seniors at risk of aged care service disengagement. It aims to highlight the vital need to reach seniors where they are and how to best link them to appropriate services. Sector consultations have shown that seniors from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds often require targeted, specialised support to access aged care services. This webinar has concluded. You can download the webinar's PPT presentation here |
Christine EdgarAccess and Support Officer, Cultura
Vandana RathoreProgram Coordinator, Multicultural Aged Care (MAC)
With a background in public health, she has worked in projects providing techno-managerial support to organisations such as the National Health Mission and the Central Tuberculosis Division in India, as well as The UNION and FIND. Her experience spans across diverse health domains, including Reproductive, Maternal, and Newborn Child Health, Nutrition, Tuberculosis, HIV, and Community Health. |
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The Right to Communicate - Supporting Linguistic Diversity as a Right in Aged Care
Time: 2pm to 3pm (Melbourne time) Where: Online Cost: Free Intended Audience: All staff working in aged care Outline of the Webinar: This webinar will provide an overview and an update on the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care’s free translation project titled “Different languages – Same aged care”, which provides free translations to Australian government funded aged care providers.
This webinar has concluded. You can download the webinar's PPT presentation pdf here (3.62 MB) |
Fiona NixonChief Strategy Officer, Think HQ
A passionate communications and sustainability leader, Fiona's career spans the private sector, consultancy and the public sector where she managed communications for social policy portfolios including community development and multicultural affairs. For the past 7 years she has served as a member of the Australia's Committee of Human Rights Watch.
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Supporting Carers from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds
Date: Tuesday 25 March 2025 Time: 2pm to 3pm (Melbourne time) Where: Online Cost: Free Intended Audience: All staff working in aged care Outline of the Webinar: This webinar will provide an overview of issues experienced by carers from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and how they can be supported appropriately. Carers Australia will provide an overview of how the organisation supports carers from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. You will also hear from the World Wellness Group's Cultural Care Program which empowers diverse carers in their mental wellbeing.
Register here |
Annabel ReidCEO, Carers Australia
Her expertise spans people leadership, commercial transformation, advocacy, operational excellence, change management, and embracing a culture of learning and growth. Annabel is known for her ability to create purpose-led, member and stakeholder focused teams with a cultural vision of clarity, collaboration, and the courage to move at speed. Annabel has living experience as a carer and understands the challenges associated with juggling work, family and caring responsibilities.
World Wellness Group
Their Culture Care Program understands that carers in mental health play a crucial role in society and sometimes their needs are not met. Culture Care Program aims to help by listening and providing emotional and psychological support. Their team works with multicultural peer support workers and interpreters to provide language, cultural support and lived experience expertise.
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Providing a Culturally Inclusive Lens to the Strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards
Date: Tuesday 15 April 2025 Time: 2pm to 3pm (Melbourne time) Where: Online Cost: Free Intended Audience: All staff working in aged care Outline of the Webinar: This webinar aims to equip leaders in the aged care sector with the skills to apply a culturally inclusive lens to the Strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards. The Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing will present its newly developed guidance material to support culturally inclusive service provision in line with the Standards. This webinar is co-facilitated by The Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing and the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission. Register here |
Melanie MetzDeputy Commissioner, Sector Capability and Regulatory Strategy
Prior to joining the Commission, Mel was the Assistant Secretary of the Aged Care Legislative Reform Branch at the Department of Health and Aged Care, where she led the development of the Aged Care Act 2024. In addition to policy and delivery roles within government, Mel spent 10 years working as in-house counsel and is admitted as a legal practitioner in the Australian Capital Territory. Her passion is social policy, and social care regulation has been a particular focus in her career.
Nikolaus RittinghausenManager, The Centre for Cultural Diversity in AgeingNikolaus Rittinghausen is the Manager, The Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing. He has significant experience in project management, multicultural affairs, aged care, policy advocacy, social cohesion and community engagement. He represents the Partners in Culturally Appropriate Care Alliance at the Department of Health and Aged Care’s Diversity Consultative Committee.
Lisa TribuzioManager, Lotus ConsultingLisa is a Social Worker who has had 25 years experience in the field of equal opportunity, lobbying to governments to address poverty, social disadvantage, racism and discrimination, and policies which promote oppression of Australian communities. Lisa has worked in the fields of multiculturalism, tertiary, disability and youth and family services and brings with her experience and knowledge working in community welfare, media, local government and the education sectors. She has also travelled through Asia and the Middle East working with human rights organisations promoting cross cultural exchange, education and understanding of human rights. She has a particular focus on the context of communities and how policies as well as cultural norms affect access to services and opportunities. Lisa operates from a humanitarian and community development framework.
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New and Emerging Communities and their Aged Care Needs
Time: 2pm to 3pm (Melbourne time) Where: Online Cost: Free Intended Audience: All staff working in aged care Outline of the Webinar: Seniors from recently arrived communities are increasingly ageing in Australia and organisations may have limited expertise and capability in providing culturally inclusive services to them. This webinar will provide an overview of the needs and preferences of seniors from new and emerging communities. It will help improve the understanding of aged care organisations when supporting seniors from new and emerging communities. Register here
Dr Moses G AdepojuPresident, Nigerian Senior Citizen Club of Victoria
Gulghotai (Gula) BezhanFounder and CEO, Afghan Women's Organisation Victoria
Gula extended the efforts of AWOV to Kabul, Afghanistan in 2014 to help empower women and widows through educational and vocational programs at the Afghan Women's Organisation Literacy and Charity Centre.
Barbara LeonOperations Manager, United Spanish Latin American Welfare Centre
Barbara is an experienced social worker with skills and knowledge in management, community engagement, change management, advocacy, project planning and evaluation, policy development and adherence to legislative requirements.
Intergenerational Intercultural Initiatives
Time: 2pm to 4pm (Melbourne time) Where: Online Cost: Free Intended Audience: All staff working in aged care Outline of the Webinar: This webinar will feature intercultural and intergenerational initiatives in ageing and aged care. You will learn about the work that Meaningful Ageing Australia, Emmy Monash Aged Care, Spectrum Migrant Resource Centre and Polcare have been undertaking to support intercultural and intergenerational activities and wellbeing across the different generations.
Register here |
Rachael WassChief Executive Officer, Meaningful Ageing AustraliaRachael is the CEO of Meaningful Ageing Australia (MAA), an innovative membership-based organisation dedicated to the social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of older people. Meaningful Ageing members represent a wide range of world views and embrace inclusivity with the key aims of enabling meaning, purpose and connectiveness for all older Australians. Rachael's most important role was a primary carer of an elderly parent for 15yrs and a volunteer in palliative care. Rachael is the Co-Chair of the First Nations Workgroup and Member of National Aged Care Alliance; a Member of Federal Department Health & Ageing Sector Reference Group; Panel member of ACQC’s Consumers and Families Panel; an Advisor for ARIIA Palliative Care Knowledge & Expert Advisory Group; and an Advisory Committee Member of LGBTIQ+Health Silver Rainbow aged care program.
Maureen ShulsingerPartnership and Community Engagement Manager, Emmy Monash Aged Care
Bevan ToerienGeneral Manager, Spectrum Aged and Disability Services
Over the past six years at Spectrum, Bevan's steadfast dedication to empowering others and fostering organizational success, particularly in serving multicultural communities, has been the bedrock of his professional ethos. As the Executive General Manager of Spectrum's Aged and Disability services portfolio, Bevan remains devoted to leveraging his boundless energy and expertise to deliver impactful and unparalleled care to those in need.
Barbara BailouniCHSP Respite Coordinator, PolcareBarbara is a CHSP Respite Coordinator for Polish Community Care Services (Polcare). Barbara's journey with Polcare started in 2016 as a volunteer doing physical activities, after which she joined a Social Support Groups Team as an Activities Worker. Polish Community Care Services Inc. (PCCS), originally Polish Care Services is part of the Polish Community Council of Victoria. Since December 2015, PCCS is a public benevolent organisation providing community-based care and support services to older Polish-Australians and their carers, and people with disability.